The Incredible Hulk Mod Will Smash You Up!

Hey dudes, and other gender dudes. I come to present you the newest awesomeness that the Interwebs has produced:

The Incredible Smash Mod!! I mean, The Incredible Hulk Mod for Grand Theft Auto V is here. And while you all might think, “Hmm, Nooblet, there are so many bad mods out there, why would I want to install and play this one?” Well, fret not, my friends for this one is different. First off, the Hulk model actually looks good, and so are its animations. Second off, our friendly neighborhood Green Giant, has all his iconic abilities from the comics. Like Thunderclap, Stomp, jumping sky high and then crashing down, creating a shock-wave all around you, e.t.c. e.t.c. Seeing that we lacked a good old Hulk-Smasher (yes, that is a genre!) for years now, I think this mod comes highly recommended to any Hulk or GTA V fan. Go check out the gameplay vid below.

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